Wow, due to the fact that I did NOT know how to update my website through WordPress I really let updating my blog fall to the wayside. About two months ago I managed to totally wreck the site, so I had a reason to finally try and figure out how to update things (and to be honest I even forgot how to login lol). So finally, an update after almost three years! It was quite a trip going back through my old posts here, so much time has passed and I did so many cool things back before kids ha!
We’ve had some travels, some school, some work, the usual. Highlights include going to Panama, my 40th bday in St Lucia, travels across Europe, Burning Man of course, Mallorca, Iceland…and we now have an apartment in CZ! The girls are doing well and are either absolutely sweet or at each others throats. If you’re with me on social media none of this is news, but I’m wanting to take a break from socials and work on updating this a little bit more, so as usual here is a small photo update!
We lost our friend Connors this past year. He went with us in 2022. Completely awful.
The trip where we never told anyone that Martin fractured a vertebrae and had to stay in the hospital while I flew home alone with the girls, good times! We didn’t know if he would be ok and he made a full recovery!
Most of these things deserve their own post but omg that would be time consuming. Always sharing the pretty images of course but rest assured we have our down times and hard times just like everyone <3 Grateful for the good times we’ve had. And now that things just keep getting crazier in the US I keep wondering what life in CZ could be like for us…
Will post next time we’ve done something interesting <3